ࡱ> Root EntryRoot EntryQ"FileHeader\DocInfoPBodyText  HwpSummaryInformation.G PrvImage PrvTextDocOptions QQScripts QQJScriptVersion cDefaultJScript`_LinkDocd  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abefghijklnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~The Korean Jouranl of Malacology Copyright Assignment and Authorship Responsibility Article title : Copyright Assignment : In consideration of the Malacological Society of Korea (MSK) taking action to review and edit my submission, undersigned authors, jointly and severally, hereby transfer, convey, and assign all right, title, and interest therein, including any and all copyrights in all forms and media now or hereafter known, to the MSK. The authors retain the nonexclusive right to use all or part of the Article in future works of their own in a noncompeting way, provided proper copyright credit is given to the MSK. Should the MSK not publish the aforesaid submission, the MSK agrees to release its rights therein. Authorship Responsibility : I, the undersigned author, certify that I have participated sufficiently in the intellectual content, the analysis of data, if applicable, and the writing of the Article, to take public responsibility for it. I have reviewed the final version of the Article, GIF89aɻxxxkkk]]]PPPCCC555((( d`LH00`Hذ̘`H0|pdXL@`0H `H0`dHL`H0xp`XH@0d LȰ``HH00dLؘȀ`H0xp`XH@d0L `H0d`LH`H0|pdXL@0`$H`dHL00`HذȘdL0xp`XH@0` HdH0ȳ``HHdL0xp`XH@`0H Ը̰ĠऀؘpȈXxHp@h@d8`8X0xT0pH dxddxd`d`p`|``x`p``x`!, H*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIɓ(S\ɲ˗0cʜI͛8sɳϟ@ JѣH*]ʴӧPJJՌ"̪#_+p,AW!~zC ю];mZtժ/۲z]+/Ž.L9Ój[gmeKxqiΝ~ãM۸s||6nA6 le;G@үM'l3_f[9%:6g#C˟O/l0xD_MV 6F(VhfF&Woj5`q©_kV*J)fbx 2%9uIbs>2#bB#בg/&Xp[ev☿h,%٣LV򸣐76Y#6 dyvj g-~{Ye(9d^4*/FijXd Ȟbjk{J8 fZ &i)wfiyEw-Zwkm:G(x|.J(.)b:z\y).*-^R«-.p-9+ctV[Vg+b¶IΩsUB6 aIrBvC 1 WH(gmqZꨦ5*[N3}=x}+9p&-F*w7npo{3.x,hVJ?,MfJtgnV.9 "8>2n=RQ7j3sI뺞nUg~޻"5{ۖ,]e*,n3{dB+$E4#؄ŲY0Lb.1Z (&煵kN(b 8 x0;^2%qF`[ hBXz;vŽg^ 'jh;D#TJh/L $G6=;]׷0g2S!)7JXr̤S u" ~n|KC6=R}! fxyg\Ag'Fl.tZ\2GPɚx_xDވ8 Ji w:uEDW:iaU6IrL9xJ;8bp)O-% SEҒ>';܂JVvKIQd4%H/6 sSHGJҒT/ Mj) 3]4FBN帝@5YJeszLӭ-VI8}O*PgAͪRj<jf*ɚBR*UV+iiE:GPb*X=:tbT+\Kɵ'FM^ vͦ^_ XͬFRX~ծ+JS`N U5Ftg%ؗ,{5iuZrԵ n~vE`cJڲַ|eQ+sm?k[0ǒ.+^ZMz|Kͯ~LN$ ;`a``a`0x4@L p   !The Korean Jouranl of MalacologyAdministrator2008D 6 4| ”| $ 11:44:58Administrator6, 5, 3, 874 WIN6@ t@@Section0mWMhQeUZ-ܬ E.ւ^QZZ&D[xCɦDT\9G^μ4v/B'y̛o2a8EH#๤3/AgƜBUs]L`0lH`!8Np#嶛r[;n] !\VopHkpO.܄p189S,=ӇU,Q=ρ?}*􈇸;D5ܢ796kMy4VюPC!5hy$Y8R#>t*F3R#f* <+ki"ek3ip5`RPo7saQę]U3`UweDeyYl;Tl"ӃNQbv0-{S>XN~̢;/Eܢ}1{%f9 :Z3%3$$Bvz{>IZҵ3JoYpZRrc/0F}Aܫ؟ pAڔ?{i HWP Document File!uPDO pKmXXXIkGBQ2\Qd&M*Z:3G1>$(Ygz]2V!3N lٹӹ'BkR2D49jcd`߈y : I, the undersigned author, certify that I have participated sufficiently in the intellectual content, the analysis of data, if applicable, and the writing of the Article, to take public responsibility for it. I have reviewed the final version of the ArticWo[U>v  ނD* TEBn~i#$THHvlqlg'̀dN &1fDL, ȟwλγ"{w~9).HDOB4jN9׬GnHcD]v3L-.2/״ufjU煪_N233E24X/_TupLqaUVSꣷtrf91 !d$wTHj?_wMvmw1QZCXi\MWTbjrZHzW¬n쓮>Wi[-{ob_B2{:7zas{|ܩa_`>YnjPb<*Z i%C>lDqwIbh'<;]mH$?"m^BCLD {=wZ/9lo  Z:P$6J NfR~]M+lX)[44Y>ɦ